Philosophy Sundays
All this first person writing is making me antsy. On occasion it feels if I masturbate any more intently I may just poke my eye out. How does Linklater phrase the condition in Before Sunrise? "There's nothing I've ever done without being there. There's never been a girl I've kissed where I wasn't there kissing her. No wonder I'm sick of myself." To remedy this potentially cycloptic future a new biweekly philosophy blog is being instituted. Alternating with the Sundays that are now to be taken up with the new Naked Poetry class I'll be running in Portland I propose a brief overview of some important, & often revelatory, subjects with favorite quotes on the topics highlighted with interesting viewpoints from throughout history contrasted by my personal takes. Yes, we all love to get wrapped up in human drama, & what a shanty of a shell we'd be without our wondrous emotions, but there's no sound reason we can't experience the other we're connected to without some sense of self. Life, death, love, truth--- the Victorians may have reduced these words to caricatures but the fey aren't just wee folk putting their cutesy faces into flowers & we aren't meant to exist without exploring the higher realms of possibility. We assume so much & follow the human blueprint for bludgeoning, blundering, & skate away with our prejudicial right in the name of Jesus, flag, & might-is-right. Were there not so much to this being human I'd be downright ashamed for what people do. Frank Herbert may have been right when he wrote, "There are no innocents." but I won't dismiss the elements of right action in the human spirit & the potential for realizing more. Sure, there are days when I want to piss on a Mickey-D, accost every Starbucks patron, & set fire to images of Jesus in front of Walmart. The economic model is a reflection of the time's weakened thought. Justification is far too easy. Freedom to spontaneity is one thing, but freedom to desecrate a whole chain of people with a purchase is a little-imagined fact. The Gospel of Thomas says we must know the inside as the outside, & the outside as the inside, above as below; only then can we reach paradise. Everyday actions from soap-type to greeting a stranger question me. I get so in-drawn sometimes that I'm not flexible to accomodating the person who sits next to me. That's a crime, weigh it how you like, that's a crime. Also a crime are the 24 double rolls of toilet paper the dutchman bought for my household. I smirk every time I wipe my ass with non-recycled not-eco-conscious bleached sheets. And I usually revel in the privacy of bathroom time. Dark clouds do damper my mood. I'm going for a walk. Anyways, Sunday philosophy blogs. If anybody reads this comment, suggest, etc. We can forum & what-not. The first subject will be war.